The NEST way of Creating Dignity in Threads…

Case Studies 1 (V)

I. Parameters
SI.No Parameters Before After % of Improvement Remarks
1 Utilization efficiency 95 98.75% 3.95%
2 Production Efficiency 96% 99.5% 3.65%
3 Pneumafil waste % 2.5% 1.5% 40%
4 EM 5.5 min Less than 3 min 45.45%
5 Breaks per 100 Spindle hour 9 5 to 6 33.5%
6 Rouge Spindle % 0.7% Less than 0.1% 85.7%
7 Idle Spindle % 0.9% Less than 0.3% 66.5%
8 Ends down (MSP) 1.3 Less than 0.6 53%
9 No. of Cops rejection per shift in Autoconer 3% Less than 1% 66.6%
10 40s Converted GPS. Less than 100grams 108 gram 8%

Case Studies 2 (P)

I. Parameters
SI.No Parameters Before After % of Improvement Remarks
1 Utilization efficiency 92.5% 98.2% 6.16%
2 Production Efficiency 93.5% 98.75% 5.61%
3 Pneumafil waste % 2.75% 0.75% With RSM 72.73%
4 EM More than 6.5 min Less than 3.5 min 46.15%
5 Breaks per 100 Spindle hour 13 Less than 7 46.15%
6 Rouge Spindle % 0.9% Less than 0.2% 77.78%
7 Idle Spindle % 0.7% Less than 0.2% 71.43%
8 Ends down (MSP) 1.8% Less than 0.6% 66.67%
9 No. of Cops rejection per shift in Autoconer 3.5% Less than 1.5% 57.14%
10 40s Converted GPS. Less than 100grams 110 gram 10%